Dr Marco Faria Correa
Dr Marco Faria Correa Plastic Surgery
Dr Marco Faria Correa has an special interest in the functional and cosmetic aspects of the abdominal wall. With over 30 years’ experience in treating idiopathic, post-surgery and post gestational abdominal wall deformities and with hundreds of patients with over 20years of clinical follow up, Dr Marco has published many papers on his analyses , thoughts and conclusions about abdominal wall repair materials and methods. In 1991, Dr Marco pioneer the use of Endoscopy with his special technique and instruments in Abdominoplasty and this won him international fame with multiples awards and recognitions for his innovation that leads to countless surgical demonstrations and workshops worldwide and in 2015 , Dr Marco advances his own Endoscopy Abdominoplasty with the introduction of using the da vinci Robotic Surgical System and some self-designed instruments and performed his inaugural case of rectus aponeurotic plication
Research Interest
Functional and cosmetic aspects of the abdominal wall, Abdominoplasty, Robotic surgical system.